PS2/Wii 七龍珠 Z Sparking! METEOR 流星武鬥書

《七龍珠Z Sparking! METEOR》(Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3)是由Spike製作、BANDAI發行,於2007年推出的格鬥動作遊戲,登陸PlayStation 2和Wii平台。是《七龍珠Z Sparking!》系列的第三部作品,也是該系列中最具規模與代表性的作品,以龐大的角色陣容、自由度極高的戰鬥系統以及忠實還原動畫的場景與劇情,受到全球七龍珠粉絲的熱烈歡迎。
遊戲涵蓋《七龍珠》、《七龍珠Z》、《七龍珠GT》及劇場版的完整劇情,並加入部分原創角色與支線劇情,堪稱是當時最全面的七龍珠格鬥遊戲。可以體驗孫悟空從年幼時期到成為超級賽亞人的完整成長歷程,並參與各種經典戰役,包括與弗利沙(Freeza)、賽魯(Cell)、魔人普烏(Majin Buu)等最具代表性的反派展開激戰。
角色方面,收錄超160位可操控角色,若計算角色的不同形態,總數超過200種,堪稱系列之最。包括孫悟空、貝吉塔(Vegeta)、悟飯(Gohan)、特南克斯(Trunks)、比克(Piccolo)等Z戰士,以及布羅利(Broly)、克維拉(Cooler)、達普拉/達布拉(Dabura)等電影版角色。甚至連阿拉蕾(Arale)、撒旦先生(Mr. Satan)等非戰鬥型角色也能加入戰場,增添不少趣味性。此外,可以選擇不同時間點的角色版本,如幼年悟空、GT悟空或超級賽亞人4等,展現出角色隨劇情成長而變化的細節。
劇情模式名為「ドラゴンヒストリー」(Dragon History),涵蓋《七龍珠》系列中最經典的戰役,從孫悟空初次與拉帝茲(Raditz)交戰的賽亞人篇,到最終與一星龍決戰的GT篇皆一應俱全。戰役中穿插大量動畫片段與原聲配音,並忠實還原戰鬥的經典場景與招式,例如悟空變身超級賽亞人與弗利沙的終極對決,以及特南克斯擊敗弗利沙的名場面。還能透過不同的條件觸發「IF劇情」(IF saga),改變歷史走向,體驗「假如」的情境,例如讓弗利沙成功擊敗悟空,或讓撒旦先生打倒魔人普烏,增加劇情的趣味與變化。
操作系統方面,與傳統格鬥遊戲不同的是,採用「3D全方位戰鬥系統」,在寬廣的戰場自由移動,進行高速接近、閃避、遠距離攻擊等操作。這種立體戰鬥方式完美還原原作中角色於空中激烈交鋒的場面,戰鬥過程充滿速度感與爆發力。操作方式講求簡單直觀,透過特定指令可發動角色的招牌必殺技,如悟空的「龜派氣功(Kame hame ha)」、貝吉塔的「Final Flash」,或布羅利的「氣彈轟炸」。還能施展「變身」系統,透過積累氣力,即時變身為更高階形態,例如悟空可由普通狀態直接變身超級賽亞人3或超級賽亞人4,讓戰鬥過程更加多元化且富有戰術性。
關卡設計採取章節式推進,每個章節都對應動畫中重要的戰役或劇場版劇情。例如「賽亞人篇」會從悟空與達爾交戰開始,逐步進入「那美克星篇」,再到「人造人篇」、「魔人普烏篇」,最終進入GT篇與原創的終極戰鬥。除了單人劇情模式,還設有「究極對戰」(Ultimate Battle)模式,需連續挑戰不同難度的敵人,突破層層關卡,提升角色實力。此外,「自訂模式」允許自由編輯角色技能,創造個性化的戰鬥風格,甚至能夠自訂隊伍進行團隊對戰。
在Wii版本中,加入體感操作功能,透過揮動遙控器來施展角色的招式與必殺技,例如模擬悟空發射龜派氣功的動作,使人仿佛親自參與七龍珠中的戰鬥。此外,Wii版還支援多人對戰模式,可與朋友在同一畫面或網絡對戰中決勝負,增加遊戲的互動性與耐玩度。PS2則是可以光碟融合,只要放入前作《七龍珠 Z Sparking!》或《七龍珠 Z Sparking! NEO》,即可用新的模式玩之前的戰鬥。
Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! METEOR ( Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3) is a fighting action game developed by Spike and published by BANDAI, released in 2007 for the PlayStation 2 and Wii platforms. As the third installment in the Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! series, it stands as the most expansive and iconic entry, boasting a massive character roster, highly flexible combat system, and faithfully recreated scenes and storylines from the anime. This title was met with enthusiastic reception from Dragon Ball fans around the world.
The game covers the complete story arcs from Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and the movies, with additional original characters and side stories, making it the most comprehensive Dragon Ball fighting game at the time. Players can experience the full growth of Goku from his childhood to becoming a Super Saiyan, participating in iconic battles against legendary villains such as Freeza, Cell, and Majin Buu.
In terms of characters, the game features over 160 playable characters, and when factoring in different forms and transformations, the total exceeds 200, marking the highest in the series. Iconic fighters such as Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, and Piccolo are joined by movie-exclusive characters like Broly, Cooler, and Dabura. Non-combatant characters like Arale and Mr. Satan are also included, adding humor and variety to the roster. Players can choose different versions of characters from various points in the story, such as Kid Goku, GT Goku, or Super Saiyan 4 Goku, reflecting the character's progression throughout the series.
The story mode, known as "Dragon History" (ドラゴンヒストリー), faithfully recreates the most memorable battles from the Dragon Ball series. This includes the Saiyan Saga, starting with Goku's fight against Raditz, all the way to the final confrontation with Omega Shenron in GT. Cutscenes and original voiceovers are interspersed throughout the battles, faithfully reproducing iconic moments like Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan during his battle with Freeza or Trunks slicing through Freeza. An additional feature called "IF Saga" allows players to trigger alternate history scenarios, creating "what-if" situations such as Freeza defeating Goku or Mr. Satan triumphing over Majin Buu, adding variety and humor to the narrative.
The combat system differentiates itself from traditional fighting games by utilizing a "3D free-movement battle system." Players can move freely within large arenas, engaging in fast-paced dashes, dodges, and ranged attacks. This full-range combat style perfectly replicates the high-speed aerial battles from the anime, providing a sense of speed and intensity. The controls are intuitive, with specific button combinations allowing players to unleash signature moves like Goku’s Kamehameha, Vegeta’s Final Flash, and Broly’s Gigantic Meteor. The game also features a "transformation" mechanic, enabling players to transform mid-battle by charging their ki, allowing for dynamic shifts such as Goku ascending from base form to Super Saiyan 3 or 4, adding tactical depth and excitement to the fights.
Level design progresses through a chapter-based structure, with each chapter corresponding to major battles from the anime or movie sagas. For example, the Saiyan Saga starts with Goku’s duel against Vegeta, leading into the Namek Saga, the Android Saga, and the Majin Buu Saga, ultimately concluding with the GT Saga and original final battles. In addition to the single-player story mode, the game features the Ultimate Battle mode, where players face increasingly difficult opponents to enhance their skills and strengthen their characters. A customization mode also allows players to edit character abilities, creating personalized fighting styles and teams for tag battles.
The Wii version introduces motion controls, allowing players to physically perform techniques by swinging the remote, simulating actions like Goku’s Kamehameha. This immersive control scheme makes battles feel more interactive, as players can physically act out their favorite moves. The Wii version also supports multiplayer battles, letting friends compete either locally or online, further enhancing replayability and engagement. Meanwhile, the PlayStation 2 version includes a disc fusion feature, enabling players to insert discs from previous Sparking! titles (Sparking! and Sparking! NEO) to unlock additional modes and content.
Upon release, the game received widespread acclaim and was praised by many fans as the "most faithful Dragon Ball game" to date. Its extensive character selection, comprehensive story coverage, and faithfully recreated anime aesthetics were particularly well-received. However, some reviews noted that while the roster was large, certain characters shared similar move sets, diminishing their uniqueness. Additionally, the single-player mode was considered relatively easy, potentially impacting long-term replayability.
Despite these minor criticisms, Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! METEOR remains regarded as a classic within the Dragon Ball gaming franchise. For fans of the original series or movies, the opportunity to control beloved characters and relive iconic battles offers a visually and emotionally engaging experience. The game continues to hold a special place in the hearts of Dragon Ball enthusiasts and has significantly influenced the design of future Dragon Ball fighting games.
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PS2/Wii 七龍珠 Z Sparking! METEOR 流星武鬥書
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人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星