獵人 貪婪之島

經典獵人漫畫中的第六個故事章節~貪婪之島篇(グリードアイランド/Greed Island),劇情沿著友克鑫之後發展。劇情描述小傑與奇犽歷經千辛萬苦,終於成功進入貪婪之島的世界。
經典動漫改編的WSC角色扮演遊戲《獵人~貪婪之島》(ハンター×ハンター GI/ HunterxHunter Greed Island),於2003年4月24日在日本上市,目前在市面上流通數量相當少,變成現實生活中《貪婪之島》等級價格的遊戲片。人物採用Q版呈現,劇情與動漫類似。紅色血量(HP)及藍色攻擊欄位(AP)會在戰鬥畫面的右邊呈現,左邊的指令有移、練、攻、念:使用念力進行攻擊、本:使用放在書中的卡片、活:消耗80%的攻擊欄位(AP)來恢復血量HP。
The sixth story arc in the classic Hunter × Hunter manga, known as the Greed Island arc (グリードアイランド/Greed Island), continues the plot following the events in Yorknew City. The storyline describes how Gon and Killua, after overcoming numerous hardships, finally succeed in entering the world of Greed Island.
Gon's primary goal is to meet his biological father, Ging Freecss, who is also the creator of the Greed Island game, known as "G." The objective of the game is to collect 100 cards numbered from 000 to 099. Upon completion, players can leave the virtual game world and obtain three designated cards. Cards are stored in a "BOOK," categorized into item cards and spell cards. Designated cards can be stored in a specific pocket, activated using the spell "GAIN." After collecting 99 cards, the card numbered NO.000—The Ruler's Blessing—appears. When the Phantom Troupe discovers that Greed Island exists in reality, they attempt to enter directly from the outside but are forcibly excluded. Thus, the members are compelled to follow the game's rules.
The WSC role-playing game adaptation of the classic anime, "Hunter × Hunter Greed Island" (ハンター×ハンター GI/ Hunter x Hunter Greed Island), was released in Japan on April 24, 2003. Currently, this game is rare in the market, making it highly valuable, akin to a high-level Greed Island card in real life. The characters are depicted in chibi form, and the storyline closely follows the anime. The battle screen shows red health points (HP) and blue attack points (AP) on the right side, with commands on the left, including Move, Train, Attack, and Nen: using nen powers to attack; Book: using cards stored in the book; and Heal: consuming 80% of AP to restore HP.
The "Nen" command is further subdivided into:
Zetsu: consumes 10% of AP to avoid enemy attacks.
Gyo: consumes 20% of AP to increase hit rate by 30%.
Ko: consumes 30% of AP to increase attack power by 30%.
Ken: consumes 30% of AP to increase defense by 30%.
En: consumes 50% of AP for a guaranteed hit.
Hatsu: consumes all AP to execute a special attack.
The game includes numerous missions to complete, requiring players to continuously collect cards throughout their adventure, much like in the anime. Players must diligently collect cards numbered from 000 to 099. Battles are conducted using a strategic movement system, with commands executed upon approaching the enemy.
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