PC Engine Mini 主機

PC Engine Mini是由科樂美(Konami)發售的迷你復刻主機,於2020年3月推出。是對1987年由Hudson Soft和NEC聯合開發的經典遊戲主機PC Engine(在北美稱為 TurboGrafx-16)的復刻版。不僅讓懷舊玩家重溫80至90年代的遊戲魅力,也讓新世代玩家體驗到當年這台經典主機的遊戲文化。
外觀的設計忠於原版PC Engine主機,尺寸大幅縮小,僅有手掌般大小。精緻外觀細節甚至連原版插槽和按鈕設計都被還原,帶給玩家極高的懷舊感。
主機尺寸:比原版 PC Engine小約75%,適合收藏擺放。
控制器:單一連接埠,附帶一支有線手柄,設計忠於原版的PC Engine控制器,但線長加長至3公尺,提供更舒適的遊戲體驗。此外,還可以額外購買分接器來連接最多五個控制器,實現多人遊戲。主機內建多款經典遊戲,無需額外插入遊戲卡匣,提供流暢且穩定的模擬體驗。
PC Engine Mini內建58款遊戲,涵蓋34款日本版PC Engine和24款北美版 TurboGrafx-16主機的經典作品,內容豐富且具有多樣性,囊括動作、射擊、角色扮演、運動等多種類型。以下是一些重點遊戲介紹:
《超級星際戰士》(Super Star Soldier):垂直捲軸射擊遊戲,畫面細緻且操作流暢,深受射擊遊戲迷喜愛。
《惡魔城X:血之輪迴》(Castlevania: Rondo of Blood):被譽為《惡魔城》系列的巔峰之作之一,精美的畫面和音樂以及多樣化的遊戲路徑設計讓人印象深刻。
《雷霆之王》(Lords of Thunder):華麗的橫向捲軸射擊遊戲,搭配重金屬音樂,帶給玩家震撼的視聽體驗。
《伊蘇》(Ys Book I & II):傳奇的動作角色扮演遊戲,擁有引人入勝的劇情與動人的音樂,是PC Engine平台的代表性RPG作品。
《PC原人》(Bonk’s Adventure):以史前題材與可愛角色「PC原人」為主角,玩法輕鬆有趣,是PC Engine的代表作之一。
《快打旋風II'》(Street Fighter II' Champion Edition):當時廣受歡迎的格鬥遊戲移植作品,使用經典角色展開對戰,流暢的操作手感值得稱讚。
除了這些遊戲,還包括《忍者龍劍傳》(Ninja Gaiden)、《宇宙巡航艦》(Gradius)、《轟炸超人' 94》(Bomberman '94)、《大魔界村》(Ghouls 'n Ghosts)等作品。此外,日本版還收錄部分獨占遊戲,這些遊戲曾經是該平台上的經典之作,滿足不同地區玩家的需求。
一經上市後,受到懷舊遊戲愛好者的熱烈歡迎,尤其是對那些當年未能接觸PC Engine的玩家來說,這台迷你復刻主機提供一個重新體驗這些經典遊戲的機會。玩家對於主機的外觀設計與操作手感給予高度評價,認為科樂美在還原原版細節上展現極大的誠意。而HDMI連接帶來的高畫質輸出也讓遊戲體驗更加符合現代需求,畫面顯得清晰且色彩鮮豔。
收錄的遊戲數量豐富且內容多樣,橫跨動作、射擊、角色扮演等類型,讓不同類型的玩家都能找到自己喜歡的作品。尤其是《惡魔城X:血之輪迴》與《Ys》這些經典作品的收錄更是成為一大亮點,許多玩家稱其為「復刻主機中最具收藏價值的一款」。PC Engine Mini 在日本市場表現不俗,吸引大量懷舊玩家購買。然而,在北美與歐洲市場,由於 PC Engine主機的知名度相對較低,導致銷售表現稍遜於其他復刻主機,如任天堂的NES Mini和超任 Mini。但對於硬核玩家和收藏家來說,豐富的遊戲陣容仍然充滿吸引力。
儘管評價整體正面,但也有玩家指出PC Engine Mini的一些不足之處。例如,部分遊戲缺乏英文翻譯,對於不熟悉日文的玩家來說,遊玩某些RPG類型的作品可能會有障礙。此外,選單界面的操作略顯簡陋,沒有提供進階設定選項,對於部分玩家來說稍嫌不足。PC Engine Mini作為復刻主機,成功地重現PC Engine這台經典遊戲主機的魅力,讓當年錯過該平台的玩家也能一睹其風采。豐富的內建遊戲陣容、精緻的主機設計與現代化的輸出功能,讓這迷你主機擁有極高的收藏價值與遊戲體驗。雖然市場銷售表現不如任天堂的復刻主機亮眼,但在懷舊遊戲市場中,PC Engine Mini依然是誠意滿滿且備受好評的產品。它讓經典遊戲重新回到玩家眼前,成為喜愛復古遊戲玩家們心中的一款佳作。
The PC Engine Mini is a mini retro console released by Konami in March 2020. It is a revival of the classic gaming console PC Engine (known as the TurboGrafx-16 in North America), which was originally developed by Hudson Soft and NEC in 1987. The PC Engine Mini allows nostalgic players to relive the charm of games from the 1980s and 1990s while giving a new generation the chance to experience the gaming culture of this iconic console.
The design of the console stays faithful to the original PC Engine, but its size has been significantly reduced to fit in the palm of a hand. The exquisite exterior details, including the original cartridge slots and button designs, have been meticulously recreated, delivering a strong sense of nostalgia.
The console is about 75% smaller than the original PC Engine, making it ideal for collectors to display. It features an HDMI interface for 720p high-definition video output, ensuring classic games look crisp and clear on modern televisions. It is powered via a USB port, making it compatible with power adapters, computers, or portable chargers.
The PC Engine Mini includes a single controller port and comes with a wired controller that stays true to the design of the original PC Engine controller but with an extended 3-meter cable for improved comfort. A multitap accessory can also be purchased separately, allowing up to five controllers to connect for multiplayer gaming. The console comes pre-loaded with numerous classic games, eliminating the need for game cartridges, and provides a smooth and stable emulation experience.
The PC Engine Mini boasts an impressive library of 58 games, featuring 34 titles from the Japanese PC Engine and 24 from the North American TurboGrafx-16, spanning various genres such as action, shooter, RPG, and sports.
Highlights from the game lineup include:
Super Star Soldier: A vertical-scrolling shooter known for its detailed graphics and fluid controls, a favorite among shooter fans.
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood: Celebrated as one of the best entries in the Castlevania series, with stunning visuals, memorable music, and diverse gameplay paths.
Lords of Thunder: A visually striking horizontal shooter paired with a heavy metal soundtrack that provides an exhilarating audiovisual experience.
Ys Book I & II: A legendary action RPG with an engaging storyline and captivating music, considered one of the definitive RPGs for the PC Engine.
Bonk’s Adventure: A fun and lighthearted platformer starring the charming prehistoric character "Bonk," a flagship title for the PC Engine.
Street Fighter II' Champion Edition: A highly popular fighting game port featuring iconic characters and smooth controls that deliver an authentic arcade experience.
Other notable titles include Ninja Gaiden, Gradius, Bomberman '94, and Ghouls 'n Ghosts, among others. The Japanese version of the console also includes region-exclusive titles, catering to the tastes of different audiences.
Upon release, the PC Engine Mini was warmly received by retro gaming enthusiasts. It provided a much-needed opportunity for players who had missed out on the original PC Engine to experience its classic games.
The console's design and controller were praised for their attention to detail, showcasing Konami's dedication to faithfully recreating the original hardware. The HDMI connection brought modernized visuals, making games look sharp and vibrant on contemporary screens.
The preloaded game library impressed players with its variety, encompassing action, shooting, and RPG genres. Games like Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Ys Book I & II were particular highlights, with many players considering the PC Engine Mini one of the most collectible retro consoles.
In Japan, the PC Engine Mini performed well in the market, drawing interest from nostalgic gamers. However, in North America and Europe, where the original PC Engine had less recognition compared to SEGA and Nintendo consoles, sales were relatively modest. Despite this, hardcore fans and collectors appreciated the console's rich game lineup and unique appeal.
Some criticisms of the PC Engine Mini include the lack of English translations for certain games, which posed challenges for non-Japanese-speaking players, especially for RPG titles. The menu interface was also deemed somewhat simplistic, lacking advanced settings that might appeal to more tech-savvy users.
As a retro console, the PC Engine Mini successfully revived the charm of the original PC Engine, offering both nostalgic players and newcomers a glimpse into its classic gaming era. Its extensive game library, detailed design, and modern output capabilities make it a valuable collectible and a highly enjoyable gaming experience. While its market performance did not rival Nintendo's mini consoles, the PC Engine Mini remains a well-received and heartfelt tribute to a legendary gaming platform. It brought timeless classics back into the spotlight, becoming a beloved product for fans of retro gaming.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
PC Engine Mini 主機
- 定 價: 11,550円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星