PC Engine DUO-RX 主機

PC Engine DUO-RX是由NEC Home Electronics於1994年推出的遊戲主機,是PC Engine家族中最終的整合型機種,也是DUO-R的簡易版。集成PC Engine的硬體功能以及CD-ROM²與Super CD-ROM²的支援,並在設計和操作體驗上進一步優化。作為PC Engine DUO系列的第三款產品,DUO-RX不僅是當時技術與設計的頂峰,更承載90年代初期PC Engine在遊戲市場的輝煌時代。
這是「多合一」遊戲主機,將PC Engine的卡匣遊戲(HuCard)與CD-ROM遊戲(CD-ROM²/Super CD-ROM²)整合到同一台機器中,無需額外的擴充設備。這樣的設計讓DUO-RX成為當時玩家心目中最方便的選擇。外觀設計延續PC Engine DUO系列的風格,機身採用流線型的外殼設計,顏色從前代DUO的深灰色改為更加亮眼的「天藍色」,並加入現代化的美學元素。
需要Arcade Card才能玩16MB格鬥遊戲,除了主機本身,PC Engine DUO-RX也附帶一個六按鍵控制器(Avenue Pad 6),這是特別為格鬥遊戲設計,支援更多按鍵組合,讓玩家能更流暢地操作連招。
支援 HuCard、CD-ROM² 以及 Super CD-ROM² 遊戲。CD-ROM讀取速度為1倍速,搭載2MB RAM,確保更大規模的遊戲數據能順利運行。
音效表現優異,得益於CD音樂格式,背景音樂與語音表現相當出色。主機輸出影像為當時標準的AV端子(類比輸出),讓遊戲畫面更加穩定清晰。這樣的設計讓PC Engine DUO-RX成為一台高度整合的主機,既保有HuCard的即插即玩便利性,也兼容容量更大的CD-ROM遊戲,提供更豐富的遊戲體驗。PC Engine DUO-RX 推出時,PC Engine平台已經累積大量優秀的遊戲作品,尤其是CD-ROM²和Super CD-ROM 的普及,使遊戲內容得以更加豐富,畫面與音樂表現也達到新的高度。以下是當時在PC Engine DUO-RX上備受歡迎的遊戲:
1. 《惡魔城X:血之輪迴》(Castlevania: Rondo of Blood):被譽為《惡魔城》系列的經典之作,採用華麗的2D畫面,並結合CD-ROM技術所帶來的高品質音樂和語音演出。主角里希特‧貝爾蒙特,在關卡中打倒各種怪物並最終挑戰德古拉,遊戲路徑多樣化,讓玩家體驗不同的挑戰。
2. 《天外魔境II:卍MARU》(Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru):被視為當時PC Engine平台的旗艦作品之一,世界觀宏大,劇情設定深刻,並搭載大量的語音和CD音樂,堪稱一部互動式史詩冒險作品。遊戲時間極為充實,可以沉浸在這個充滿日本和風奇幻色彩的世界裡。
3. 《快打旋風II》(Street Fighter II' Champion Edition):街機格鬥遊戲《Street Fighter II》的高品質移植版,PC Engine版還支援六按鍵控制器(Avenue Pad 6),讓玩家在主機上也能體驗到流暢的格鬥操作和打擊感,成為PC Engine平台上格鬥遊戲的代表作。
4. 《夢幻模擬戰》(Langrisser):戰略角色扮演遊戲以戰棋玩法和深刻的故事劇情聞名,PC Engine版結合CD-ROM的音樂和動畫,讓戰鬥畫面與劇情演出更具震撼力,吸引大量SRPG愛好者。
5. 《銀河公主傳說》(Galaxy Fraulein Yuna):輕鬆可愛的冒險遊戲結合美少女元素和互動劇情,搭配大量的動畫過場和語音演出,成為PC Engine平台上獨具特色的作品,深受特定玩家群體喜愛。
PC Engine DUO-RX 在1994年發售時,由於其高度整合的設計與便利性,成為當時PC Engine玩家的夢幻主機。然而,隨著1994年Sony PlayStation和SEGA Saturn 等次世代主機的登場,市場的焦點逐漸轉向3D遊戲,2D遊戲主機逐漸被邊緣化,導致該主機的整體市場銷售成績並未達到預期。儘管如此,PC Engine DUO-RX 還是獲得一定的口碑,特別是在日本市場,許多玩家對其便利性與出色的遊戲表現給予肯定。CD-ROM²和Super CD-ROM²技術讓遊戲具備高品質的音樂和動畫演出,成為當時2D遊戲體驗的極致代表。
在國外市場,尤其是北美,PC Engine(即TurboGrafx-16)的知名度遠不如SEGA和任天堂主機,因此DUO-RX在海外市場的影響力相對有限。然而,隨著時間的推移,PC Engine DUO-RX 因其獨特的設計、出色的遊戲陣容和稀有性,逐漸成為遊戲收藏家心中的珍品。
The PC Engine DUO-RX, released in 1994 by NEC Home Electronics, was the final integrated console of the PC Engine family and a simplified version of the DUO-R. It combined the hardware capabilities of the PC Engine with support for both CD-ROM² and Super CD-ROM², offering an enhanced design and improved user experience. As the third product in the DUO series, the DUO-RX represented the pinnacle of 1990s PC Engine technology and design, encapsulating the console's golden era in the gaming market.
This “all-in-one” console integrated HuCard cartridge games with CD-ROM² and Super CD-ROM² games, eliminating the need for additional expansion devices. Its design made it a convenient choice for players of the time. The DUO-RX retained the streamlined aesthetics of the DUO series, but with a bright "sky blue" shell instead of the DUO’s darker gray, adding a modern touch to its visual appeal.
The console also came equipped with an Avenue Pad 6, a six-button controller designed for fighting games, allowing for more complex button combinations and smoother execution of combos. While the DUO-RX was compatible with most games, an Arcade Card was required to play 16MB fighting games.
Key Specifications
The DUO-RX supported HuCard, CD-ROM², and Super CD-ROM² games. It featured a 1x CD-ROM drive and 2MB RAM, enabling it to handle larger game data seamlessly. Its sound capabilities benefited from CD-quality audio, offering exceptional background music and voice performances. The system output video via standard AV ports (analog), providing stable and clear visuals for the time. Combining the plug-and-play ease of HuCards with the expansive possibilities of CD-ROMs, the DUO-RX offered a rich and versatile gaming experience.
Popular Games of the Time
By the time the DUO-RX was launched, the PC Engine platform had amassed an extensive library of high-quality games. The introduction of CD-ROM² and Super CD-ROM² technologies allowed for richer content, better visuals, and superior music. Some standout titles on the DUO-RX included:
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Widely regarded as one of the best in the Castlevania series, this game featured stunning 2D graphics, high-quality CD audio, and voice acting. Players took on the role of Richter Belmont, battling through diverse stages to confront Dracula. Its branching paths and replayability made it a fan favorite.
Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru
A flagship title for the PC Engine platform, this RPG boasted an expansive world, deep storytelling, and extensive voice acting. Its immersive gameplay, accompanied by rich CD-quality music, provided players with an epic adventure steeped in Japanese folklore.
Street Fighter II' Champion Edition
This high-quality port of the arcade classic offered smooth controls and an authentic fighting experience. With support for the Avenue Pad 6, it became a standout title for fighting game enthusiasts on the PC Engine platform.
Known for its tactical RPG mechanics and compelling narrative, this game featured CD-quality music and animations that enhanced the combat and story sequences, earning it praise from strategy game fans.
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna
Combining lighthearted adventure gameplay with anime-style storytelling, this game featured charming characters, interactive plots, and ample voice-acted cutscenes. It became a cult hit among fans of visual novel-style games.
Market Performance and Legacy
When the PC Engine DUO-RX debuted in 1994, its integrated design and user-friendly features made it a dream console for PC Engine fans. However, the gaming market was rapidly shifting towards 3D graphics with the advent of next-generation consoles like the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn. As a result, 2D-focused systems like the DUO-RX gradually lost market relevance, and its sales fell short of expectations.
Despite this, the DUO-RX earned a positive reputation, particularly in Japan, where its convenience and strong game library were well-received. The CD-ROM² and Super CD-ROM² technologies provided high-quality audio and animations, showcasing the peak of 2D gaming.
In international markets, particularly in North America, the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16) was overshadowed by competitors like Sega and Nintendo. Consequently, the DUO-RX had limited impact overseas. However, over time, the console’s unique design, outstanding game library, and rarity have made it a prized collectible among gaming enthusiasts.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
PC Engine DUO-RX 主機
- 定 價: 32,780円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星