忍者龍劍傳GB 摩天樓決戰

1991年12月13日由Natsume製作,Tecmo負責發行的Game Boy單機遊戲《忍者龍劍傳 摩天樓決戰》(忍者龍剣伝GB 摩天楼決戦 / Ninja Gaiden Shadow / Ninja Ryūkenden GB Matenrō Kessen / Legend of the Ninja Dragon Sword GB: Skyscraper Decisive Battle)正式上市,記憶體為2M,無存檔或是密碼續關的設計。許多玩家認為這是Natsume出版的《水上魂斗羅/赤影戰士》(闇の仕事人 KAGE / Shadow of the Ninja / Blue Shadow)修正版本。
故事發生在Jaquio勢力崛起之前。三年前獨裁者嘉魯達皇帝(Garuda)率領軍隊在一個夜黑風高的晚上佔領整個紐約市。在1985年的美國,名為隼龍(Ryu Hayabusa)的男人從黑暗中出現,準備攀爬摩天大樓,企圖阻止邪惡勢力的擴張。沿路會碰到蜘蛛機器人、拳擊冠軍格雷戈里和他的經理傑克。在消滅更多的強敵後,最終任務就是打敗嘉魯達皇帝,讓和平再次的降臨。
標題畫面出現時,按 SELECT,輸入以下指令:AAAABBBBABABABAB。如果正確就會聽到蜂鳴聲並進入關卡選單。
On December 13, 1991, the Game Boy standalone game "Ninja Gaiden Shadow" (忍者龍剣伝GB 摩天楼決戦 / Ninja Ryūkenden GB Matenrō Kessen / Legend of the Ninja Dragon Sword GB: Skyscraper Decisive Battle) was released, developed by Natsume and published by Tecmo. It featured 2MB of memory and did not include a save or password feature. Many players considered it a modified version of Natsume's "Shadow of the Ninja" (闇の仕事人 KAGE / Blue Shadow).
The story is set before the rise of Jaquio's forces. Three years ago, the dictator Emperor Garuda led his army to occupy the entire city of New York on a dark and stormy night. In 1985's America, a man named Ryu Hayabusa emerged from the darkness, prepared to climb skyscrapers to stop the spread of evil. Along the way, he encountered spider robots, boxing champion Gregory, and his manager Jack. After defeating more formidable enemies, his ultimate mission was to defeat Emperor Garuda and restore peace.
The A button is for jumping, and the B button is for sword attacks. Pressing Up + A allows Ryu to shoot a grappling hook upwards for climbing, while Up + B performs special ninja techniques. The overall movement and actions are smooth, with significantly less difficulty. There are a total of five stages, and defeating the bosses of each stage allows progression to the next. The main weapon is the katana, and the climbing function from the Famicom version has been removed, replaced by using chains for vertical movement.
The lower left of the screen shows the health meter, with a maximum of six bars, and up to five ninja techniques can be accumulated. The bottom right displays the number of lives.
On the title screen, pressing SELECT and entering the code AAAABBBBABABABAB will trigger a confirmation sound and lead to the level select menu.
While on the title screen, holding the A button and simultaneously pressing the B button and Start will initiate a test of all the game's music tracks.
Hidden items are found in stages 1, 3, and 5.
Before the boss of stage 1, destroying the last turret and pressing Down + A will drop the floor, allowing access to a ninja technique.
At the end of stage 3, robots on the ceiling will throw bombs. Climbing up on the right side using the grappling hook will grant extra life and ninja technique.
In the final stage 5, during the second phase of the stage, moving in the direction of approach and pressing Down + A will descend to the bottom layer. Moving to the right from there allows access to an additional life.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
忍者龍劍傳GB 摩天樓決戰
- 定 價: 3,873円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星