薩爾達傳說:曠野之息 北美版

2017年NS主機展開銷售,經典招牌遊戲薩爾達傳說系列續作《薩爾達傳說:曠野之息》也在該年3月3日發行,並同時在Wii U平台推出,也是任天堂在Wii U平台推出的最後一款作品。畫面採完全3D進行。角色進行移動、爬山及翻牆均需按跳躍鍵,得到的武器若使用時間過長就會損毀,取得盧比需透過販賣不需要物品,而不是之前割草或砸罐子,玩起來跟生存遊戲一樣刺激,全球玩家都給予高評價,並獲得2017年遊戲大獎的年度遊戲獎。
故事描述每次當海拉魯王國(Hyrule Kingdom)遭到古老惡魔蓋儂(Ganon)的侵略,卻都被女神海利亞(Hylia)後代的光明公主及守護她的勇者所打敗,為強化防衛能力海拉魯王國更是製造四大機械神獸,用來協助光之勇者來阻擋未來蓋儂的攻擊。一萬年後當蓋儂復活時卻透過奇襲成功操控四隻神獸,並對人民進行無情的攻擊,林克(Link)在戰鬥中受到重傷後陷入沉睡,薩爾達(Zelda)決定犧牲自己將蓋儂封印在城堡內。一百年過後失去記憶的林克康復,遇到前海拉魯國王羅哈姆(Rhoam)的鬼魂,被告知封印已經快被解除,必須盡快將四神獸消滅後,再與薩爾達會合聯手一同消滅蓋儂,於是一場驚險刺激的冒險之旅就此展開。
In 2017, the Nintendo Switch (NS) console was launched, along with the release of the latest installment in the iconic Zelda series, "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild," on March 3rd. This game was also released on the Wii U platform, marking Nintendo's final title for the Wii U. The game features fully 3D graphics, and character movements such as climbing and wall jumping require the jump button. Weapons degrade and break after prolonged use, and Rupees are acquired by selling unwanted items rather than the traditional method of cutting grass or breaking pots. The gameplay, resembling a survival game, received high praise globally and won the 2017 Game Awards' Game of the Year.
The story follows the Hyrule Kingdom, which, whenever threatened by the ancient demon Ganon, is saved by the descendants of the goddess Hylia: a princess with the power of light and a hero who protects her. To enhance their defense, the Hyrule Kingdom created four mechanical Divine Beasts to assist the hero in thwarting Ganon's future attacks. Ten thousand years later, Ganon returns and, through a surprise attack, seizes control of the Divine Beasts, unleashing destruction upon the people. In the ensuing battle, Link is gravely injured and falls into a deep sleep. Zelda sacrifices herself to seal Ganon within the castle. A century later, a memoryless Link awakens, encounters the ghost of King Rhoam, the former king of Hyrule, and learns that the seal is weakening. Link must quickly defeat the four Divine Beasts and reunite with Zelda to ultimately defeat Ganon. Thus begins a thrilling and perilous adventure.
Why "Breath of the Wild" is So Popular
"Breath of the Wild" is a revolutionary entry in the "The Legend of Zelda" series, offering players unprecedented freedom of exploration and a rich gaming experience. Here are some reasons why "Breath of the Wild" is so popular:
Freedom of Exploration:Many areas can be climbed, and players can use a glider to fly. This design allows players to freely explore the Z-axis, adding depth to the game.
Diverse Abilities:Players have access to a variety of abilities such as ice making, bombs, time pause, and magnets, enabling them to solve various challenges and puzzles.
Rich Quests:Players can take photos and complete side quests throughout the world, which not only adds depth to the game but also enhances its playability.
Open-Ended Conclusion:If players wish to finish the game quickly, they can directly confront the final boss. This freedom allows players to enjoy the game at their own pace.
Unexpected Surprises:Every time players solve a puzzle, encounter a divine beast, trigger specific storylines, or obtain legendary weapons, the game provides unexpected surprises. This ensures that players never feel bored, no matter how long they immerse themselves in the world, as there always seem to be endless treasures and secrets to discover.
Sense of Loneliness and Mission:Although it is a single-player game, the sense of loneliness enhances the story's immersion. The protagonist wakes up after a hundred years of slumber to find the world has changed, yet they bear the mission of saving the world.
These elements work together to make "Breath of the Wild" a classic that is beloved by players worldwide.
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薩爾達傳說:曠野之息 北美版
- 定 價: 7,678円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星