
6.《怪博士與機器娃娃》(Dr. Slump:1980年至1984年)在1981年推出的卡通在電視台上映後,收視率高達驚人的37%。
80年代是日本的動漫黃金時期,許多經典的漫畫就此誕生。當時出現的漫畫家大都經歷過二戰的痛苦,因為痛恨戰爭。在《七龍珠》的漫畫中出現一個經典的橋段,佛利札質問孫悟空:「說的倒是挺好聽的。被賽亞人殺死的難道都是有罪的人嗎?」孫悟空的回答是:「賽亞人為此滅亡了… 」,他們犯下的罪行就是他們滅亡的原因。這或許也是鳥山明想要跟大家傳達的反戰訊息。
The cold facts about Akira Toriyama:
1.After the news of Akira Toriyama's death spread, Mexican drug cartels declared a ceasefire out of respect for the great manga artist.
2.Akira Toriyama was fond of Jackie Chan's performances in Drunken Master and Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, and he incorporated these elements into his works.
3.Dragon Ball is a masterpiece in Japan, with a global circulation of over 260 million copies. The authors of One Piece and Slam Dunk regarded Akira Toriyama as their idol and mourned his passing by posting tributes.
4.Akira Toriyama's net worth is approximately 12 billion Japanese yen, making him the second-highest-earning manga artist in Japan, following Eiichiro Oda, the author of One Piece.
5.The ending of Dragon Ball in 1995 was very sudden, with no prior announcement.
Dr. Slump, which aired on television in 1981 achieved an astonishing 37% viewership rate.
6.The 1980s marked Japan's golden age of animation, with many classic manga being born. Most manga artists of that time had experienced the pain of World War II and harbored deep hatred for war. In a classic scene from Dragon Ball, Frieza questions Goku: "Are the people killed by Saiyans all guilty?" Goku's response is, "The Saiyans were destroyed because of it..." Their crimes were the reason for their destruction. Perhaps this is also the anti-war message that Akira Toriyama wanted to convey to everyone.
Many contemporary Japanese manga artists are left-wing individuals, such as Osamu Tezuka, Fujiko Fujio, and Hayao Miyazaki. In the story of Doraemon, the protagonist, Nobita, actually cheers for Japan's defeat, seemingly criticizing the right-wing government's refusal to acknowledge the invasion of China during World War II.