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1. The surface of wooden bowls and chopsticks can easily absorb moisture, which promotes the growth of bacteria and mold. If not cleaned and dried promptly, these microorganisms can thrive and cause food poisoning or other infections.

2. Some types of wood may contain harmful substances, such as volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde, or the wood itself may have been treated with chemicals during processing. Prolonged use of such wooden bowls and chopsticks may lead to the release of harmful substances, posing potential health risks.

3. Long-term use of wooden bowls and chopsticks may result in wear and scratches, which can become breeding grounds for bacteria. Additionally, the roughened surface of worn wood may be difficult to clean, further increasing the likelihood of bacterial retention.

To mitigate these risks, it is recommended to regularly inspect the condition of wooden bowls and chopsticks and ensure proper cleaning and maintenance. Use mild detergent and warm water to wash them, and make sure they are thoroughly dried. Additionally, replacing old or damaged wooden bowls and chopsticks regularly, and avoiding prolonged soaking in water or exposure to humid environments, can help reduce health risks.