
故事背景:《洛克人》系列是由卡普空(Capcom)開發的一系列動作遊戲。初代在1987年的紅白機/NES首次推出,海外版的名稱從《Rock Man》變成《Mega Man》。故事舞台設定在200X年,隨科技快速發展,人工智慧(A.I.)技術更佳成熟。萊特博士(Dr. Thomas Light)為阻止威利博士(Dr.Albert Wily)擴張的野心,將自告奮勇的洛克(Rock)改造成戰鬥機器人,與威利博士旗下的機器人展開戰鬥。當六位機器人均被洛克人擊敗後,威利博士又在太平洋的製造工廠複製萊特博士的機器人,洛克人再次取得勝利,並踏上返家的路上。
在打倒頭目後即可使用他的能力,總共有6位,分別為1.剪刀人(Cut Man)相剋對手:氣力人,特殊能力:使用迴轉剪刀,可對普通小兵造成連擊。2.氣力人(Guts Man)相剋對手:炸彈人,特殊能力:可舉起特殊石頭往目標丟去。3.冰人(Ice Man)相剋對手:電力人,特殊能力:使用冰塊凍結敵人。4.炸彈人(Bomb Man)相剋對手:火焰人,特殊能力:透過丟擲炸彈使敵人產生致命傷害 5.火焰人(Fire Man),相剋對手:電力人,特殊能力:使用火焰保護身體。
6.電力人(Elec Man)相剋能力:剪刀人,特殊能力:使用電力往上中下方向攻擊,幾乎沒有死角,註:關卡有放置石頭內的藍色武器M,可用來增加更高的彈跳力,破關必備。
建議頭目選擇順序:1.炸彈人(Bomb Man)2.氣力人(Guts Man)3.剪刀人(Cut Man)4.電光人(Elec Man),此關卡需要用氣力人拿洛克人第七種狀態~階梯人。如果能提早拿到他的能力,就能在後續的關卡避開許多危險的陷阱。5.冰人(Ice Man)6.火焰人(Fire Man)。
多種版本和平台:系列遊戲涵蓋了多個遊戲機平台,包括手機、任天堂掌上遊戲機、不同代的家用主機(如NES、SNES、SEGA Genesis、PlayStation等)以及新主機平台(如Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One等)。這使得玩家能夠在不同的硬體上體驗到這個經典遊戲系列。
Game Plot: In the original NES Mega Man game, you play as Mega Man, a robot created by Dr. Light. Your mission is to stop the evil plans of Dr. Wily, who has reprogrammed six of Dr. Light's Robot Masters to wreak havoc. Each Robot Master controls a specific domain, and you must defeat them to acquire their unique weapon abilities, which you can use against other Robot Masters.
Instruction: The instruction for the NES Mega Man game is to navigate through different stages, defeating enemies and obstacles while reaching the end and confronting the Robot Master boss. You can use Mega Man's standard arm cannon and also switch to the weapon abilities you've obtained from defeated Robot Masters.
Stages and Bosses: The game features six main stages, each belonging to a different Robot Master:
Cut Man - Cutter Man
Guts Man - Super Arm
Ice Man - Ice Slasher
Bomb Man - Hyper Bomb
Fire Man - Fire Storm
Elec Man - Thunder Beam
After defeating these six Robot Masters, you'll advance to Dr. Wily's fortress, where you'll face a series of additional challenges and bosses to reach the final showdown with Dr. Wily.
Influence and Legacy: The NES Mega Man game had a profound influence on the gaming industry and left a lasting legacy in several ways:
Gameplay Innovation: The Mega Man series introduced innovative gameplay mechanics, such as the ability to defeat Robot Masters and acquire their unique weapons. This concept of borrowing abilities from defeated bosses would become a signature feature of the series.
Challenging Difficulty: The game's difficulty level provided a satisfying challenge for players, encouraging them to master the controls, memorize enemy patterns, and develop strategic approaches. This challenging gameplay style became synonymous with the Mega Man franchise.
Level Design: Each stage in the game had its own unique theme, design, and enemies, creating a diverse and engaging experience. This approach to level design set a precedent for future platformers.
Iconic Characters: The original NES Mega Man game introduced players to Mega Man himself, Dr. Wily, and the first set of Robot Masters. These characters would go on to become iconic figures in gaming culture.
Franchise Expansion: The success of the NES Mega Man game led to the creation of a long-running franchise that spans multiple console generations. It resulted in numerous sequels, spin-offs, merchandise, and adaptations across various media.
Sales Figures: The exact sales figures for the NES Mega Man game can vary by region and over time due to the lack of comprehensive historical data. However, the game's commercial success on the NES is well-documented. The game's engaging gameplay, unique mechanics, and positive word-of-mouth contributed to its popularity.
Continued Impact: The influence of the NES Mega Man game extended beyond its initial release. The franchise has since evolved and expanded with sequels, remakes, collections, and adaptations across different platforms. Mega Man remains a beloved character in the gaming community, and the game's legacy continues to inspire new generations of gamers and game developers.
Whether you're revisiting the classic NES Mega Man game or exploring the broader Mega Man franchise, you're sure to discover a rich history of innovative gameplay, challenging experiences, and enduring characters that have left an indelible mark on the world of video games.
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